WhyNot X Waag: The Body & Atoms

The Body & series
During three evening programs full of science, art and dance – The Body & Atoms, The Body & Astronomy and The Body & Alchemy – we explore what it means to be a moving body, revolving in space and time, interacting with other bodies – large and small.
The Body & Atoms
The first evening will take place on Wednesday 31 August in the Anatomical Theater of Waag (Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam) and will start at the beginning:
We travel back to the early universe and investigate the nature of matter. How and when did the first particles form, shortly after the big bang? What do the smallest particles look like? What makes a body a body, and what is matter anyway? When we zoom in on the quantum scale, can we still understand the strange behavior of the subatomic particles that make up our own spinning and dancing bodies, as humans in a human body?
During this special evening, travel with us through different perspectives on matter, provided by particle physicist Osama Karkout, filmmaker Ruben van Leer and performer and choreographer Yoko Haveman.
Artist and earth scientist Esmee Geerken will moderate the evening, to discover connections between our spinning bodies, big and small.
Datum: 31-08-2023
Locatie: Waag
Meer informatie: https://waag.org/en/event/whynot-x-waag-body-atoms/