Old Faithful

Old faithful is the most famous geyser in the world. About 4 million people watch it erupt every year. It all happens in about 7 memorable minutes, with up to 2 hour long intervals.
In the upcoming show at PlanB projects you can witness the results of a study of interactions between the yellowstone visitor and the volcano. Laura Malpique has sat through days on end around the geyser, watching people coming and going, as they waited, experienced the eruption, and abandoned the scene. The physical and mental layers between the viewer and the force of the underground has inspired an installation and the manufacturing of rocks.
Granite, one of the most common types of rock on earth's surface, is created underneath volcanoes. It exists in the Netherlands only when moved here by the force of ice or of humans. We experience it nonetheless in our manmade environments. Laura Malpique has cooked up some granite in her lab. The way humans orchestrate natural landscapes is one of the main focuses of her work.
At PlanB projects you will find man made rocks, chemical reproductions of granite, as well as other forms and representations of earth, domestication of the ground and of culture.
Het AFK ondersteunt Laura Malpique via een Stipendium.
Datum: 13-04-2024 t/m 26-04-2024
Locatie: Mertens Frames, Project Space Plan B (Hamerstraat 22)
Meer informatie: https://www.instagram.com/lauramalpique/